Munk Debates

The Munk Debates are a biannual series of debates on major policy issues held in Toronto, Canada. They are run by the Aurea Foundation. A charitable foundation set up by Peter Munk, founder of Barrick Gold and his wife. The debate series was founded in 2008 by Munk and Rudyard Griffiths, who moderates most of the debates.

The event is held in Toronto, at steadily larger venues as it has proven popular. Tickets are sold to the general public, and sell out shortly after being made available.

At each debate a poll is taken of audience both before and after the debate. The winner of the debate is determined by how many people are persuaded to move from one side to the other.

Throughout its run the debates have been broadcast on CBC Radio's Ideas. The more recent ones have also appeared on international broadcasters including BBC and CSPAN.


Date Topic Pro Con Winner Swing Venue
May 26, 2008 The world is a safer place with a republican in the White House Charles Krauthammer and Niall Ferguson Samantha Power and Richard Holbrooke Pro 34% Royal Ontario Museum
Dec 1, 2008 If countries like Sudan, Somalia and Burma will not end their man-made humanitarian crises, the international community should Gareth Evans and Mia Farrow John Bolton and Rick Hillier Con 18% Royal Ontario Museum
June 1, 2009 Is foreign aid to the developing countries doing more harm than good? Hernando de Soto and Dambisa Moyo Stephen Lewis and Paul Collier Pro 4% Royal Ontario Museum
Dec 1, 2009 Climate change is mankind's defining crisis, and demands a commensurate response George Monbiot and Elizabeth May Bjorn Lomborg and Nigel Lawson Con 16% The Royal Conservatory of Music
June 7, 2010 I would rather get sick in the United States than Canada Bill Frist and David Gratzer Howard Dean and Robert Bell Con 7% The Royal Conservatory of Music
Nov 26, 2010 Religion is a force for good in the world. Tony Blair Christopher Hitchens Con 4% Roy Thomson Hall
June 17, 2011 The 21st century will belong to China. Niall Ferguson and David Daokui Li Henry Kissinger and Fareed Zakaria Con 23% Roy Thomson Hall
Nov 14, 2011 North America faces a Japan-style era of high unemployment and slow growth. Paul Krugman and David Rosenberg Lawrence Summers and Ian Bremmer Pro 20% Roy Thomson Hall

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